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Connect alteryx server to sql server

7 - Meteor


I have been trying to connect to an sql server database from alteryx server with no success

I can access the data from my laptop (Alteryx designer) but it is not working from tje server


Any idea what is causing the issue?


Thank you

13 - Pulsar

Hi @Youssef_BenSalem 


Do you have the right ODBCs/Drivers installed and set up on the Server? There is more information here (if you're on the latest version) -

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Youssef_BenSalem,


How are you connecting to SQL on your machine? The same connection setup is required to be set up on the Alteryx Server environment. You will also need to install the ODBC Drivers / Drivers on the server machine. 


You can also set up a SQL Server connection on the admin page of Alteryx Server under the Data Connections tab SQL Server.png


Please like this post and mark it as a solution if it helps. Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions. 
