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Conditional Container

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


I have a query about the feasibility of creating a workflow under the following criteria: 




The idea is that the entire workflow is scheduled every 15 minutes and "container 2" is only executed conditional on the result of "container 1". In other words, the container 1 will look for a flag in a specific folder and if it is present, container 2 will run. We don't want to ping the database every 15 minutes as that is not a best practice. 


Do anyone know if this is feasible? 


Any help or similar solution will be greatly appreciated.  


Thanks in advance!




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @agustingaravaglia yes that is feasible I have created and seen others wrap a container in a batch macro and then build logic for example to determine if current day was a weekday or weekend as their workflow needed to be scheduled to run every hour however they did not want this to occur on weekends. Attached is a mock up I built for the example I outlined where certains containers will only open during cetains days. If you have any issues opening the attached Alteryx package this link should help.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you very much for your quick response. I will check it out! 



9 - Comet

Hello @agustingaravaglia,


also solution is to use conditional runner attached below. But using this solution, you solution must be module based and each conditional part must be in different workflow.


Best Luck!

