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Conditinal Inputs

8 - Asteroid

Hello Community,

I have date field and I want to add condition based on that need to fectch input files .
Suppose I have date Q1 (between Jan -Mar) then need to take file 2 files (BT and BECFM)  and process them, if date is Q2 or Q3 then need to take one file(BT) and process them and save output.

How we can achieve this?

We need to save output file based on Date condition not for all quarters



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @aman_goyal 


You can convert the date into specific quarters by using this expression in the formula tool: DateTimeFormat([Date],'%Y Q') + ToString(Ceil(ToNumber(DateTimeFormat([Date],'%m'))/3))


You can then use a conditional statement to process both files or one file: If Contains([Quarter], "Q1") then "Both" elseif Contains([Quarter], "Q2") then "BT" elseif Contains([Quarter], "Q3") then "BT" else "" endif


You may want to check this post out as well to see if it helps you build your workflow.



20 - Arcturus

@aman_goyal One way of doing this



