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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Combine All excel files

11 - Bolide


I would like to combine all excel files as sheets in one excel file

ex: I have 3 different excel files with one sheet each

I would like combine all files as sheets in excel and name it as big file

13 - Pulsar

Hey @BRRLL99,


Plane and simple. It's important that you include the Block Until Done tools, otherwise, Alteryx tries to write one file simultaneously and that doesn't work. 

Block Until Done tools work by tool id  - which means whatever you place first is also executed first. 






15 - Aurora
  1. Connect each "Input Data" tool to a "Union" tool. This will combine the data from all the input files into a single stream.
  2. Drag and drop an "Output Data" tool onto the canvas.
  3. Connect the "Union" tool to the "Output Data" tool.
  4. Configure the "Output Data" tool to save the data as an Excel file.
  5. In the "Output Configuration" tab of the "Output Data" tool, set the file type to "Excel" and provide the desired output file name.
  6. In the "Options" tab of the "Output Data" tool, select the "Create New Sheet per Record" option. This will create a separate sheet for each input file in the output Excel file.
  7. Run the workflow to execute the data combination and export the Excel file.
15 - Aurora

PFA, hope this help

20 - Arcturus

@BRRLL99 One way with batch macros


