Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Change all data sources for input data tools

5 - Atom
  • Me and My colleague are working on a Workflow, which contains approximately 40 SQL queries from 3 different databases. When my colleague sends me a new version of the Workflow every time, I change the data sources for all input data tools to be compatible with my device, and the change takes a very long time. Is there a solution or a way to change all data sources for all input data tools?
14 - Magnetar

There's lots of options. You could look at creating workflow constants:

This would mean you update all the paths in a really quick fashion. 


There's also workflow dependencies: 

They can make things really easy for overwriting file input paths.


Have a look at those two, see what you think. The options aren't limited to just those though!


All the best,



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can also consider making the paths relative to a SharePoint site or a OneDrive site so that when you transfer over a workflow, your colleagues will have the same input and output sources. 

@BS_THE_ANALYST Has some good points and resources - have a go at them!

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE