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Using a Constant in the Input Path

5 - Atom

Hi Community,


I have a workflow that connects to data from my share drive. The WF needs to be changed to another share drive where I do not have access, but they have replicated the data structure for me (same folders, same files...). I would like to create a constant to use it at the beginning of the input path. This way I will avoid to change each of the paths (there are a lot of them and it could be that in the future I will to reconnect again the WF to my share drive).


It looks like I cannot use constants in the input data tool. Any ideas?


Thanks in advance!


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Just a workaround, we can use the Analytic App to take the User Constant back to update the filepath in the Input tool.

Note that you have run the workflow by click Run at first, then run the Analytic App mode again.


22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @jesusporta 


The input tool file path field doesn't seem to support string functions thereby not supporting user-defined constants.


The dynamic input tool approach is commonly used to switch between directories. One of the general scenarios where this is used is to switch between Dev/Uat to prod or business directories.


Here is a reference workflow



Hope this helps : )

