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Calgary Output Missing Fields

9 - Comet

Experts - 


I've noticed that when overwriting a .cydb file new fields seem to go missing.  For example, I create a .cydb with 10 fields.  After working with the data a bit I realize I'm missing customer name, so I go back to the workflow that creates the .cydb file, add customer name and then rerun.  The file is overwritten but there is still no customer name.  If I delete the .cydb and all index files and rerun, customer name is now in there.  


My sanity check here is that I write a .yxdb and .cydb at the same time - and the .yxdb always has the new field, whereas the .cydb only has the new field if I delete/recreate the file rather than just overwrite.


Any idea what's going on?


13 - Pulsar

Hi @Bonediggler 


So there is a weird quirk with the Calgary Loader. When you add a new field, it for some reason won't automatically create an index for the new field unless you click on the tool to verify that you want Data & Index checked and the Index Type. After that, you can click on the canvas and hit run on your workflow. The new field will now be available in the Calgary Input. 
