Wildcard XLSX Input needs a list of sheets to be excluded. While this is useful in many cases, it would frequently be better if we could specify the list of sheets to be included, instead:
I would like to propose this enhancement.
Thank you for your suggestion. While my friend @Joe_Mako authored this macro, I'd be happy to zoom with you and record a YouTube video on how to modify the macro to suit your needs. If you PM me that you're willing to get your fingers dirty, I'll send you a link to setup a meeting with me. We can modify a version of the macro to include/exclude.
RADIO BUTTON (INCLUDE or EXCLUDE) - One choice only.
Currently there is a JOIN where only the RIGHT (not-EXCLUDED) Sheet Names move forward. We can UNION the results from the JOIN and from the RIGHT. On each of these connectors (between the JOIN and the UNION) we can place a SAMPLE tool with 0 records sampled. When the exclusion or inclusion feature is enabled, we will reset the value for the desired data to a very large number.
I think that should solve the ask.
that sounds like a good idea. However, I'm rather interested in a solution which is included in the CReW macro package rather than generating a local modified copy which separates me from further improvements on this macro. So if we do the modification together and the CReW macros are updated accordingly, I am happy to contribute.
Best regards