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Browse In-DB slowing down workflow, connected to Oracle

6 - Meteoroid

Hi - I recently had to change my connections to our Oracle database, and I'm having some issues with workflows. A workflow that uses all In-DB tools will take less than a minute to run, but if I add a Browse In-DB tool it suddenly takes hours. I've also tried using the Sample In-DB tool to grab maybe 50 records and do a Data Stream Out tool, and that also takes forever. I can't figure out what to do to speed up the workflow while still being able to view a sample set of the data. Thanks.

19 - Altair

enable logging at your odbc driver level and review the logs. It sounds like the issue is in how the results are going into memory (so probably a driver/tech tech issue vs an Alteryx issue - but just to be sure - turn off AMP).


6 - Meteoroid

Thanks! Unfortunately I couldn't get the logging to work - no log would be saved that I could find. 

19 - Altair

Not an Alteryx log - an odbc driver log. you have to enable that at the ODBC driver config in ODBC 64. You should be able to specify a location. 

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you! I think I realized the problem - the table I'm pulling is enormous, and it's year-end for us so lots of people writing queries. A colleague helped me identify some filters to shrink my query down a bit before exporting or using the browse tool. 

13 - Pulsar

Hello @SarahBike  Some things to think about :
-fine tuning your oracle driver
-separate your data stream out and your workflow
-if your DSO is here to get an idea of the final table, be sure to plug it after the write in db, not making a Y.

Best regards,


6 - Meteoroid

Thank you!!!


13 - Pulsar

Hello @SarahBike  Can you please set the status to solved if it's solved?

Best regards,


6 - Meteoroid

It is! I actually ended up applying some filters and exporting the data to an Alteryx DB (ie a full data set for each year I needed), and then pulling in each Alteryx DB. 
