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Automatic file copy from one UNC to another network path and email notification

9 - Comet



This is regarding copy the file from one network path to another.


We have one SYS folder. In that folder, every month we have received one file through FTP.

This file we received any of the date between first 1 to 6 days of every month.

There is no specific date or time of receiving this file through FTP. We received this file any of the date between 1 to 6. 

So I want to make a utility in such a way that whenever the file receive in SYS folder, file should be automatic copy from sys and saved it into destination.

Please note we received the file in every month. so in SYS folder there are multiple files so i want to copy only those file where modified date of file and current month is same. Ignore old months files. 

Also once the file is copy from SYS folder to Destination then email should triggered saying "We have received the file and copied to destination folder.".

I want to make this setup in Alteryx Server,


I want to create something where i can avoid the manual intervention.


Could you help me and provide the example.


Thank you in advance.


Hi @alt_tush - This will be a two step process. 

1) You will need to have a Master Workflow, which will be scheduled to run with a required frequency on the days, when you expect files. This Master Workflow will use a Directory tool and check for new files. If no new file then no action, if there is a new file then the Master workflow will trigger an action. You can trigger an action in a couple of different ways (macro, workflow API call...)

2) Your action will be to copy a file. I'd use a Run Command tool assuming you will have appropriate permissions in both source and destination folders.
