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Amazon S3 credentials - how to update the key and code without editing every workflow

7 - Meteor

We are creating workflows that will be published to a gallery but our corporate policy prevents the creation of a service account.  The key and code will need to be regenerated every 90 days.  As more and more workflows are created, we will need to update each one.


My thought is:  is there a way to create a macro that will go grab the access and secret keys from a central location maintained by our team and populate them so that workflows can run regardless of an update?


I also saw a similar posting about turning the workflows into analytic apps and credentials would be entered at the time they run but no screenshots were presented.


Has anyone successfully dealt with this?  (see screenshot for fields I'd like populated)




Thank you so much!




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello Heather, 


You are on the right track with the use of a macro or analytic app. These would be pretty easy to setup. I will attach a concept macro, you may just need to update a few things. 


With the macro, you could set the keys to a csv where the workflows can reach them from the various machines. This would then take the access key and secrety key and enter them into the S3 connector. This will check everytime the workflow is run, populate the credentials, and go. I did check to see if this reset the bucket names and it did not, so it should work. The only thing I could think of, would be where ever you decide to put the csv file with the keys, I would make sure it is a secure location. 


For the macro you would need one update field tools for each the access key and the secrety key, and then you will want to configure the S3 tool, and make sure at the bottom of the update field tools, check replace a specific string for each field. You will then want to add an output macro. I attached my version that you can copy or change to fit your workflows. 


Please let me know if you have any other questions on this




5 - Atom

Thank you Seth for this information! It helped immensely!

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I am trying to do a similar thing with a workflow that needs AWS key rotation every 80 days. It is preferable not to have the keys saved in plaintext in a csv file somewhere, so I was wondering if there was any way that Alteryx could communicate directly with AWS to remove this requirement?


Thanks in advance

8 - Asteroid

Hi @ashley_harris I have the similar requirement to dynamically fetch the keys that would rotate from a AWS Secret Manager instead of storing the keys in a flat file and then read for automation purpose.


Would like to know if you were able to get any solution for this. Thanks in advance.
