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Alteyrx slow over network on Windows 10 vs Windows 7

11 - Bolide

Hi All,


We've recently upgraded to a new Windows 10 image and have noticed considerable slow down in Alteryx runtimes. The increase is occurring due to file read and write speeds. Running a simple test workflow of opening some sheets of data from Excel and running a SQL query on our Oracle database we see big differences for the Excel files.


On Windows 7, this process completes in 1 second but on the new Windows 10 image, it takes over 30 seconds with the slowdown being on Excel files. Moving this same workflow and files to a local environment, the process completes in 1 second for both Windows 7 & 10.


Has anyone else come across this before?


The way we connect to our network shares has changed with this image too. Before we used the Novell client but now the connection is using CIFS.


Thanks for anything help you can offer.


Sam 🙂

14 - Magnetar

Hi @SamDesk 


I'm not sure how much help this will be but I think it's more likely to be the change in how you access the network shares that is having an impact versus the OS.


Maybe you could look at trying out both methods via Windows 10 so you can narrow it down and find out if this is the true cause?

11 - Bolide

Hey @jamielaird 


Thanks for your reply, the network shares being the issue was my inclination as well.


I've followed it up with our IT team and they're trying out both methods of connecting on a test machine.


Hopefully, they'll find something.


Sam 🙂

11 - Bolide

With help from colleagues in the IT department, we have identified it is the new way we connect to our Novell server without the client they provide. We have a workaround for now and are going to raise a support ticket with Alteyrx to see if it's something they can implement for their next release.

Sam 🙂
