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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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AlteryxEngineCmd - license

7 - Meteor

What kind of license do I need to run AlteryxEngineCmd ?


I understand, that I need API and command line interface. - is this for the same price?


Is that mean I need to buy a scheduler? - This is not an option at this time :-(

I there any other way how I can run workflow from .bat or from another workflow?

I really miss the ability to run wf on designer from command line.


Thank you

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

The AlteryxEngineCmd.exe is located in the Alteryx root directory and requires an Engine API license to use. To see if you have this capability, go to Options -> Manage Licenses and see if API & Command Line w/ Scheduler is checked. If not, you will need to reach out to your sales person regarding a license that grants this capability.


For more info, see these links:

7 - Meteor

Can you post a screenshot of what it would look like in Manage Licenses?
