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Alteryx Excel Output

7 - Meteor

Is there any way we can leave a column while writing output in the excel file? Let's say I have to write a particular output in the range A-X but want to leave column T as it is a formula based column  ( nothing to be written on that). Is it possible?

8 - Asteroid

The easiest would probably be to force the column to be nulls values with a formula tool - you can move it around with a select tool to place it the right place afterwards

11 - Bolide

Please find attached workflow, this may help you.

7 - Meteor

Thank you @binay2448 and @Nanoq for the quick help. But actually, this is not helping me as I have a pre-defined output format and one of the columns is Excel formula-based. If I am trying to mark it as Null() in the alteryx then it is removing the formula from the Excel within that defined output range

11 - Bolide

You can divide the output in two parts and take two outputs on same sheet 1st A to S and 2nd U to X.

8 - Asteroid

is it possible for you to attach a workflow showing the problem? 

7 - Meteor

Hi @Nanoq , The process and the data is confidential but if you can see the attached file. Assume that  I have a pre-defined format column A,B,C & D. Column C has formulas defined for each row. When I am trying to export data from Alteryx in the range A-D, the formulas are getting replaced by Null() by alteryx. This is my problem. I want to retain those formulas because that column wont have any values from ALteryx. and I cant move the column to the end. Hope you understand my problem

7 - Meteor


11 - Bolide

Find attached solution may be it work for you

7 - Meteor

Thank You @binay2448 . This worked for me 

I have another question as well about where I am getting stuck at the moment. So, If you see the attached file, column B has the dropdown list defined and when I am writing data through Alteryx this validation goes away. Even after trying to skip this column like above method I am not able to resolve this.

