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Alteryx Designer-Snowflake ODBC Error Blocking Oracle/SQL Server/Amazon Redshift Connectio

5 - Atom

Hi - I have a very unique problem occurring when using the designer.  I was trying to connect to Snowflake for the first time using the Input Tool.  Did the set-up in ODBC and Test worked successfully.  But Alteryx gave an error.  See attached picture for the error message.


Now I can not use Alteryx Designer to connect to any database (Oracle, SQL Server, Amazon Redshift) - all of these worker prior to trying to connect to Snowflake.  I uninstalled Alteryx Designer and Reinstalled hoping that this block by Snowflake Connector would go away.  Rebooted my laptop also.  Still the Error is there blocking connecting to any database.  I can only connect to files on my laptop now.


My workflows that do not need changes, work.  But I can not get to the Query Builder looks like due to this error.


I am on Alteryx Designer x64: 2021.4.1.04899


Hoping someone can help overcome this error.




