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Alteryx Designer Connection Query

5 - Atom

Regarding Alteryx Designer, we are currently using this tool for RQ system, and we need some help on below questions that currently arise with existing design Alteryx workflow.


  1. In Alteryx we would like to change the Oracle DB connection in DCM (Data Connection Manager) without losing the SQL’s code from input field in all existing workflow.
  • We have installed latest Alteryx Designer x64 version 2024.1.1.93 Patch 3 and all workflow designed using Alteryx and Oracle connection using DCM and Input Data and output Data.
  • We would like to change the Oracle database connection in all these existing workflows and share with other team member.
  • We tried to change DB connection in existing workflow in DCM manager first field, but it is grey field non-editable. So, when we are clicking on “Set Up a Connection” it is creating new connection, but existing SQL query code is not persisting rather SQL query code getting lost and asking to write a new fresh SQL query code.
  • Hence, how can we change the Database connection in all existing workflow designed using Alteryx DCM and without losing the existing SQL query code ?imohammad1_0-1722617510160.png


  • We have also tried to open existing workflow file shared by teammate over there giving invalid connection and grey field non-editable.
    Hence how to share the workflow with other team member without losing the DB connection and without losing the SQL query ?


  1. In Alteryx we tried option of creating In-DB connection using DB alias which creates .indbc file.
  • We are able to create DB connection file .indbc successfully using below option Alias manager.

Options > Advanced Options > Alias Manager > In-DB Connections

  • All the existing workflow designed using DCM and input data and output data.
  • So, how can we apply this In-DB connection in all existing designed workflows in input and output data?
  • Do we need to enhance all the workflow’s by replacing input and output data by DB connect In-Database tools / Data Stream tools ?
  • Kindly suggest the possible options.
19 - Altair

I don't think your workflow was designed for query portability cross connection. My recommendation would be bulk extract your queries via reading in the xml of  your current workflows - identifying the input data tools - extracting the sql data. I would then change my query to use text input tools for query tracking (or another tool like an excel file or database) - and feed the input data tool into a batch macro for performing the query (using either dynamic input in-db or an input data tool). 

5 - Atom

hello Alteryx Designer Connection Query 

Could you please help to elaborate step wise as we are beginner in Alteryx.?

19 - Altair

This is a pretty complicated workflow. What you are trying to do isn't that easy. I would recommend going back to whoever built it for you (ie your consultant) and complaining that what they build wasn't scalable. 


For starters I would read up on Batch Macros - and practice opening up Alteryx workflows in notepad. I would look at regex and how to identify nodes so you can extract data. Or if it's just a few queries - open the workflows in notepad and manually do it. 
