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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Aggregate multiple values into one

8 - Asteroid



I have a workflow where I need to create a new field that combines the values from an existing field (Research ID) where the group by is Company ID.  I've attached the starting point of this workflow and an excel file to show the desired output - with column C being the column I'm trying to create.  For example, there are two records where Company ID = 8007120.  The first record has Research ID = 1234 and the 2nd = 5555.  I'm trying to get these two values grouped together with a "/" divider as displayed in the attached xls.  Any ideas on how to do this?

15 - Aurora

Add a summaries tool and then Group by Company id  and Concatenate on basis of Reserch ID and add delimiter as "/"
this will work.

15 - Aurora

please find attached.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you very much for the help.  That worked great!
