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Add 2 rows to the beginning of multiple outputs

7 - Meteor

Hi!  I am hoping someone can provide some guidance on a small workflow that I am creating.  I have several input files all saved in the same location which I am pulling into my workflow using a wildcard.  For each input file, my goal is to generate a separate output file containing a maximum of 50 rows of data each.  For example, if there are 115 rows on my Excel input file, I want 3 output files.  Two outputs would have 50 each and one output would have 15.  I am also needing to add two rows to the beginning of each output file, and that is where I am stuck.  How can I make my outputs each show the 2 data rows at the top?  I am including an attachment with screenshots.  Thanks for any advice!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Outputting multiple files is doable, but sure about the two rows requirement.

It seems that the header of the columns, it can be easily done for one row only.


19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Brook_G 


To add the 2 rows, get the max group id and use it as the end values in a Generate rows that duplicates the header rows.



The Header Rows Text Input has the Text for each row and values for RowOrder to ensure that they are sorted before data values



Thanks for the input data and the initial workflow, @Qiu 




7 - Meteor

Thank you @danilang and @Qiu for your help.  This worked perfectly.  🙂

