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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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API Post gets changed when same workflows are run on designer and when added to App

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to Post a payload on my company site, macros work fine and produce the expected payload when run through designer, but when its added to App or on server  the Payload changes.

Not sure why this is happening.

 1.Payload from App 

{"data":{"question_data":[{"description":"","flaggedAsFailAnswer":false,"text":"Option 1","uuid":"99eb2a92-1e0d-4196-b630-a78a0d85a3c3"}]},"questionId":"474","data":{"question_data":[{"description":"","flaggedAsFailAnswer":false,"text":"Option 2","uuid":"b04e96fb-17aa-4450-9df5-b001d3dd6074"},{"description":"","flaggedAsFailAnswer":false,"text":"Option 3","uuid":"1d10f9d5-f9a6-49aa-9df6-5e47b975eb33"}]}}


This is the correct json I want to send.

2.Payload from Designer 

{"questionId":"479","data":{"question_data":[{"description":"","flaggedAsFailAnswer":false,"uuid":"908a3541-852b-4a77-9608-160eb0dc50d8","text":"Option 1"},{"description":"","flaggedAsFailAnswer":false,"uuid":"6cfc7d48-b372-456d-b50b-c14632920c9b","text":"Option 2"},{"description":"","flaggedAsFailAnswer":false,"uuid":"e7a71c8f-192b-42a8-ac13-9bd4e09c8485","text":"Option 3"}]}}


When I run individual standard marco to generate the json I get result 2

Not sure why its behaving differently in app.Any help is highly appreciated

18 - Pollux

You are including a dynamic variable which captures a uuid - no? Your desktop has a different uuid than your server. The rest of the question is hard to answer without more information on how your payload is constructed and (assuming you use a formula tool) the formula in your formula tool.

6 - Meteoroid

I am using the formula tool to generate the uuid and push it on server. This is one standard macro which is takes the input from the main macro. The workflow works as intended when run in designer as macro but fails as app. Attaching the workflow I used to construct the payload

6 - Meteoroid

This is where the macro is added where it gets the inputs from the main macro
