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2Gb YXDB to MS SQL Server - how to improve ?

7 - Meteor

I have a 2Gb YXDB consisting of about 40 columns and 7.5M rows. It takes forever to write its contents on MS SQL server (5% took about 5 hours, I had to cancel  because VPN connection has to be re-established every 24 hrs).


Are there best practices or ideas to (attempt to) improve the speed of writing? 

Attaching the sample workflow.


Thank you in advance!!





19 - Altair

use datastream in? What's up with your odbc configuration? tbh - this should run in under an hour depending upon your network connection. worth looking at your resource manager to see where your bottlenecks are. I'd shut down chrome/anything else network related if it's at your network level.

7 - Meteor

just to close the loop on this question, I solved this issue by using Data Cleansing and Auto Field tools during the YXDB creation, and re-establishing ODBC via DCM. It takes about 2 hrs to push on the SQL server.
