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Is there a way to publish data as nvarchar when writing to SQL Server?

Bola de fogo

Currently, it seems I'm only allowed to publish string data as varchar.


Hi Scott,

Depending on your product version, you can go to




Here you can find the mappings used by Trifacta to convert to SQL Server specific type.


By default you should see this section



   "trifactaType": "string",

   "jdbcType": "varchar",

   "vendorTypeList": ["varchar(256)"]



You can change it to



   "trifactaType": "string",

   "jdbcType": "varchar",

   "vendorTypeList": ["nvarchar(256)","varchar(256)"]



Trifacta uses the first type defined in vendorTypeList when it is creating tables.


Please also back up the existing /opt/trifacta/services/data-service/build/conf/vendor/sqlserver/publish-metadata.json file just incase.


A Trifacta restart will be needed.