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Adding Subtotal in Alteryx

5 - Atom

Hi Team,


I want to add subtotal in file with the help of Alteryx.


Below is the final output which I required.


Thanks in advance!




13 - Pulsar

Its possible to create the rows you are looking for but I am not aware of a way to create the "groupings" in excel. You wouldnt be able to collapse the rows. But to get the subtotals. you would branch your data off with a summarize tool grouped on your Composite, and sum on Market Value and % of Net Assets. Then add a formula tool which will be [Composite] + " Total" to add the word total after the Composite number. Union that data back into your main workflow. Then add a Sort tool on the Composite field. This will insert the summarize rows after each group of composite numbers. 

5 - Atom



Thank you for your assistance, I tired doing it and have got attached output but I am getting sum of Market value in another column.


Thank You!