It's almost time for the Grand Prix, and we've got some big announcements here - the finalists have been selected so it's time to GET EXCITED!
Alter.Next - the quarterly online event - has loads of information, and it's not just for prospective customers. There's something for everyone, and there's LOADS of information in...
Learn more about the the incoming 2022 class of ACEs!
We are excited to announce that we are extending the deadline for the Americas Excellence Award submissions by one week!
We’re excited to share the news that the new Gallery on Community is ready for you to visit and share your amazing Alteryx creations with the world!
Can you believe it's already the most wonderful time of the year again? And by that, we're obviously discussing a new Highlights and Release blog!
We’re excited to announce that the Alteryx Analytics Gallery is moving here to Community!
Our educators, students and career changers are eager to engage with you.
Strengthen your solving with 2021.3.
See what customer requested ideas were implemented in Alteryx 2021.2, and Build Breakthroughs.
You've all been asking for it, and we've got some BIG news. Community SSO is coming!
We've got some ch-ch-ch-ch-changes to our format that we're excited to share, with lots of information that will keep you up to date on all things Community!
Ever wondered what you can automate with Alteryx, or why you should even bother? Check out this blog for a kickoff on why you might want to for your team!
... and all the credit goes to you.
The community really brought it this year for Santalytics, and here are the final results!
Thank you, Dean, for your leadership and contributions in building something great. The best is yet to come.
Happy Holiday, Alteryx Community! It's that time again to celebrate the Community ideas now available in our 2020.4 product release.
Today, I am grateful to be a part of celebrating a tremendous milestone in the history of the Alteryx Community: our five-year anniversary.
With the release of 2020.3, it's time to highlight the Heroes of the Idea Board, who's ideas were included in this release!
We are excited to build the next generation of data scientists through Alteryx for K-12, a new and long-term program open to elementary, middle school and high school students and...
June was a doozy, but we made it through! Check out your Community Highlights for the month in the June edition of the blog.
Not too long ago, @dstoecker himself joined a call with the community team — where we got to ask him whatever we wanted.
We have six brand new ACEs joining the program this summer and we couldn’t be more thrilled about having them!
There is no single dataset of insights, no workflow of cleverly connected tools, that can bring about resolution and justice. But we can each bring our expertise, our compassion an...
A lot has changed for all of us over the past few months, and more is certainly coming, but one thing that will certainly continue on is your Alteryx Community!
This crushed last release's like count by over 100 likes! Not to mention we were able to get one of our most requested ideas in. The highly desired Save, Undo and Redo buttons have...
Today, I am excited to officially introduce the newest member of the Community Management team here at Alteryx, Will Machin!
This week, we’ve launched another program as part of our Together We Solve response to COVID-19.