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7 - Meteor
This article was written by @LucyDickinson and @BenMoss. Join Lucy and Ben in London, October 16, from 13:30-14:15, as they demonstrate how Alteryx updates the RNLI with the real-time status of their lifeboat fleet. Learn about this use case and get a hands-on walkthrough of the key components of the workflow. Plus, learn how Alteryx can be integrated with other software and connect to a multitude of data sources to produce a seamless flow of data from source to product.

Those who reside in the UK might very well be familiar with the work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI). This charity’s aim is to provide a 24/7 rescue service for those in harm around the coastline of the UK and Ireland.


Operating a Lifesaving Service at a National Level Calls for Efficient Data Management


The RNLI comprises a fleet of over 350 boats and 4,500 operational volunteers which provide a lifesaving service across 19,000 miles of coastline.


With such a large operation to run, the RNLI need to ensure that all assets are managed efficiently so as not to compromise its life saving capability.




The RNLI have undertaken a journey in analytics, moving away from spreadsheet-driven analysis and on to evidence-led decisions. Having worked with Alteryx Designer and Server for almost 2 years, this organisation has leapt forward in its ability to resolve existing and tackle new data challenges.


Putting Pieces of the Puzzle Together


Alteryx Designer and Server have been integrated with a multitude of software to develop an interactive data product for its Central Operations and Information Room. In this breakout session, we will discuss how Alteryx Designer has been used to ingest and prep data streams, whilst Server has been used to automate the upload to on online ArcGIS map application. The download tool is the key for interaction between Alteryx and the ArcGIS mapping application, with its ability to POST and GET data from the ArcGIS API service.


This online map not only provides a near-real time view of the lifesaving status of our lifeboat fleet, but also a platform for monitoring and applying changes to ensure full coverage of the coastline at all times. A feat of new capabilities and new insight.





Put Your Geospatial Data Skills to the Test


At the end of the session, Ben Moss and I will work through a practical example of making a POST request to the ArcGIS API so we can visualise peoples journeys to Inspire Europe 2019; so if you want to get hands on, then bring your laptops, otherwise, sit tight and learn!




If you’re interested to find out more about how the RNLI have used Alteryx in their analytics, then go along to the breakout session hosted by Lucy Dickinson (RNLI) and Ben Moss (TIL) on Wednesday, October 16, from 13:30-14:15.