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Women of Analytics

Have to Share My Exciting News!

7 - Meteor


A little over 3 months ago I had never even heard of Alteryx but got the opportunity to sign up for a few "getting started" training webinars through another women in analytics program that I am part of.

I was so intrigued and excited about this product I couldn't get enough. I went through the Getting Started learning path through the Alteryx Academy and worked through several of the weekly challenges. I am so excited to share that I passed the core certification yesterday. Whew!

I am still super excited this morning because of this accomplishment but I'm what?

My trial license for Alteryx will be expiring soon so, besides sharing my very happy news, I wanted to check with this group and see if anyone has suggestions for next steps on how I can keep my momentum going. I don't currently work in analytics but that's my goal. Is there a job board I can explore to see what other qualifications I may need? Are there other programs I can utilize to further advance my Alteryx skills? 

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Be well,



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Leanne1!


I was just speaking with a few community friends not too long ago, and they mentioned expanding their teams. Unsure if it will be a good fit for both, but could be a starting point. @SeanAdams@VizChic@Nick612Haylund: meet @Leanne1! 🙂


Another thing I would suggest is to browse the User Group pages. I've often seen posts such as these:


I hope that helps and congratulations on passing the Core! 🙂

Tuvy Le
Manager, Community ACE Program
11 - Bolide

Hello @Leanne1 ,


First of all congrats on such an exciting journey! You should be really proud of yourself!


I know that Alteryx has some interesting programs that may fit you and help you to continue exploring the software and the world of Analytics.


One of them is the ADAPT program, which targets professionals affected by the COVID situation and provides a 3-month trial license (extensible to 6 months if you get the CORE certification if I´m not mistaken), as well as a Udacity nanodegree scholarship:


There´s also the Alteryx for Good Program that offers a free license to teachers and students currently enrolled in an educational institution:


Maybe it´s worth a check. 




7 - Meteor

Hi @TuvyL 


This is fantastic!

I will definitely keep an eye on the User Group pages.


Thank you so much for the information.





7 - Meteor

Thank you so much @damc !

I didn't mention this in my original post but I did utilize resources through the ADAPT program and the Getting Started learning path.

Unfortunately I missed getting my certification in the 90-day window by about a week. So I'm not eligible for the Udacity scholarship. I would pay for the course but alas, part of the deal for being certified in the 90-day window was getting a 90-day extension on the Designer license.


I will take a look at the other option you provided for students.

Thanks again!


Have a great day!




7 - Meteor

Great job completing the Core Certification! I completed the Core Certification and Udacity Nanodegree program through ADAPT as well. If you pay for the program through Udacity, they will set you up with a license for Alteryx for the duration of the program.


Pro tip: If you apply for a financial support discount through Udacity and then wait a couple days to sign up for the program, they sometimes email an even better discount a few days later.

7 - Meteor

Hi Leanne,

Just adding my congratulations! 

I see you've already gotten a lot of good advice.

All the best as you continue this journey!

12 - Quasar

Congratulations on passing core certification. 

7 - Meteor

Unfortunately I do not have advice but wanted to congratulate you on your accomplishments! Looks like a lot of big things are coming for you!




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Leanne -


Firstly congratulations.  I'm one of the leaders at Alteryx in our EMEA organisation and your message inspired me.  I'd like to connect with you on Linkedin and have a conversation.  Please send me a request:  Reanna Leitaker.