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7 - Meteor

Hello Alteryx Community!


I am Austin Wysor and looking to get more involved in the community after attending the Inspire conference, and becoming more comfortable with my skills in Designer.


I am a Data Analytics Analyst for Southern Company, working in our supply chain management. We look at various data sources (structured and unstructured) to provide useful insights around decisions being made with contractors. 


I have learned so much about designer the past year, and only feel like I have scratched the surface. I look forward to learning more along with everyone else in this community!


7 - Meteor

You beat me to it! Now I gotta do my post haha

9 - Comet

Pleased to meet you @acwysor and @wdula ! Welcome to the community. 


So glad you had a positive experience at Inspire. Time to start working on certification!


Best, Albert

