Take a moment to introduce yourself to the Community. We'd love to get to know you!
Learn MoreHi everyone, I'm Paul, a former NASA rocket scientist, physicist, and a passionate Salsa dancer 🙂 I've worked for years in the field of scientific computing and artificial intelligence, so I guess I'm technically not a newbie to the field of data analytics. But I've done it all the hard way, writing my algorithms in C++, so I'm really looking forward to learning how Alteryx can make my work much easier. I'm also a consultant who helps executives understand Artificial Intelligence and helps them transition their organization to use AI and machine learning effectively. You can check out my website at https://paulclapis.com. I'm eager to get started with the ADAPT for Good program!
Hello and congratulations on a successful launch into the Alteryx Community!
In additional to all the great Alteryx training in the Academy, you might be interested to check out the Dev Space. In this DIscussions section, users and employees discuss how to customize & extend the power of Alteryx. with SDKs (including C++)., APIs, custom tools and more.