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Hello World!

5 - Atom

My name is Erik from Arizona. I am loving the community here so far. Just participated in my first weekly challenge and next Monday I am hoping to attempt the Core Certification for the first time. 


Looking forward to interacting and learning with you all!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @erikTNT


Thanks for introducing yourself to the Community and welcome to Alteryx family!


I wish you luck with the Core Certification💪Don't forget that we have a lot of great resources to help you through your learning journey. Here is the Exam Prep Guide if you need it.


We also recently launched an Industry Discussions forum to engage in your specific domain of expertise. We are building up content with our members and we would welcome your contributions. 


I wish you luck, enjoy learning & keep us posted.



Steph Vitale-Havreng