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Hello World

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone!


I am excited to be taking a big step forward in my Alteryx journey. I first used Alteryx for a school project in 2019 and have used it a few times at work over the years since. Feel free to think of me as a "long time lurker, first time poster" 😄. As a self-proclaimed data nerd, I have loved using Alteryx so far! I feel pretty comfortable with the tools and my ability to solve most problems (after some trial and error, of course), so I am preparing to take the certification exam. 


To do so, I have taken the practice exam, worked on a good few of the core level weekly challenges (will be figuring out how to upload my solutions and posting them soon after adding documentation), and am reading over the Exam Prep Guide. My biggest concern would have to be the time limit. Some of the questions on the practice exam felt a little niche and like I would have to drop the tool in question onto a blank canvas and run a quick test, so I'm worried I may fall behind. Any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated!


Would love to chat with some fellow enthusiasts! Thanks in advance!

11 - Bolide

Hi @Nolan 

I feel inspired by reading this! I think the more familiar you are with the tools functionalities the faster you will be able to answer the conceptual questions and allow more time on the practical questions. I also find the Learning Paths - Alteryx Community and Home | Alteryx Help really helpful for exam prep. 🙂 Best of luck on the certification exams!

7 - Meteor

Thank you for your insight! I’ll be looking through those links and learning all that I can!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Nolan, I recently re-took my Core exam and ended up taking all of the allocated time. My preparation included focusing on the tools covered in this exam, learning about when to use a particular tool, having a sense of what the config for each does to the data, and just some hands on practice like the weekly challenges. Hope this helps prepare for your test.

7 - Meteor

Wow! Yeah, it does seem like quite a lot to do in 2 hours. Thanks for the tips!
