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Alteryx Community Intro 👋👋👋


Hey there, fellow Alteryx enthusiasts! Inspired by my friend John, I'm excited to introduce myself and share a bit about my journey in the data analytics realm:


👩‍💻 I'm currently serving as a Senior Sales Data Analyst at CBIZ, based in the vibrant city of Kansas City, MO.


💡 For the past year, I've immersed myself in the world of Alteryx, discovering its incredible potential. My focus thus far has revolved around leveraging Alteryx Server to automate business processes, empowering our valued users.


🎓 My path to this role has been anything but conventional. With a Bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies under my belt, I'm about to embark on an exciting new chapter in my life by starting grad school this fall. I plan to pursue a Masters of Science in Applied Statistics, Analytics, and Data Science at the University of Kansas. Rockchalk! 


🌟 As part of my personal and professional growth, I'm determined to achieve the coveted Alteryx Advanced Certification before the end of the summer.


I can't wait to connect with this amazing community, learn from your expertise, and contribute my own insights along the way. Let's embrace the power of Alteryx together and unlock the limitless possibilities of data! 💪🔍📊


Hey, @cagriffin32.


That's really awesome to hear about your passion for Alteryx. That Master's degree sounds awesome. I hope you learn a lot. 


You can definitely achieve the Advanced Certification by the end of the summer. I recommend reading through the exam prep guide (https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/ayx.policies/Advanced+Certification+Exam+Prep+Guide.pdf) and practicing everything in it. Once you know all that information, you will be sure to do well on the exam.


P.S. Great emojis! 😁


Awesome introduction @cagriffin32 ! The Advanced Cert is tough, just make sure you're doing plenty of mid-level weekly challenges. Unlike the Core cert, practical applications are the bulk of the points for Advanced. 


LMK if you have any questions!
