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SUBMIT YOUR IDEAMmm. Candy! no drive time data though, so no drive time/distance selector. It's all miles!
Here is my solution. A lot of firsts for me on this one: first Analytic app, map interface, map input, report map, report header, and report render. Wow...
Is anyone aware of how to change the size of the map presented to the user in the map interface tool? I found that to be a really small map to work with and present to users when the Analytic app is run.
One last thing...i'm not sure this is an intermediate challenge. At least I thought this one took me a while.
Had to use a whole bunch of tools for the first time :) And took a lot of trial and error with the reporting tools...
Very nice. First time using the Report-tools in the weekly challenges. Kodos
I haven't used the Map tool in the reporting section. So that was nice, pretty intuitive. Still feel novice in the reporting-tools. Keep them coming.