Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEAThe link to the solution for last challenge #37 is HERE.
One of the powers of Alteryx is to be able to batch processes without the need to write scripts of use complicated code. A single output tool can be configured to generate many output files.
Use Case: A company needs to blend data from three sources and generate an output file for each product - region combination, a total of 15 output files.
Objective: Create a cross join between the Product Group, Region Reference and Data tables to produce 15 unique CSV Data files. Please note that only 1 output tool should be leveraged in your solution.
Thanks to all that are playing along!
Think im getting to "involved" with these challenges - too much fun to give up.
My Solution:
My solution, same old same old.
My solution.
For Beginners , this helped me out. - https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Knowledge-Base/Output-to-separate-Excel-files/ta-p/1247