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SUBMIT YOUR IDEABeginner and Intermediate. Now if only I could solve them in my head, like Lord Vetinari.
All set on the advanced solution. I put my iterative macro/data cleansing in a standard macro to keep the canvas clean. Fun challenge!
I completed the beginner solution yesterday; here is the intermediate one today. Fun challenge. The basic idea is to add 45 on all rows and columns; this would ensure that the numbers 1-9 are only being used once per box.
First generate the possible solutions by row or record ID; then find the unique number not already used on other solutions and plug it in.
By the way, I was blown away with the macros and R snippets solving the advanced one; I always enjoy looking at your workflows.
I built a solver for the advanced challenge, and used it for the intermediate. But more importantly: I built a working macro!!