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Challenge #109: Women in Government Around the World

5 - Atom

The join tool joins tables together with an inner join, joins on the related fields, not really something id use for comparison.  A union is stacking tables on top of each other, tables with the same field, so i guess you could use a union tool to compare.  what i did was pull up my table in another window with a browse tool, and had the output table in the results window and compared the two that way.  

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Challenge completed

9 - Comet

My solution


Screen Shot 2018-04-11 at 21.26.32.png
8 - Asteroid

Enjoyable one :) 

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


Can someone please clarify the following?


2) Remove countries not reporting data from 1997-2017 - Is this countries that have ALL null percent values from 1997 - 2017?
3) If a year is left blank, assume that the percent is the same as the year previous to it - I'm assuming this is a null value where there is at least 1 or more percent values from 1997 - 2017?


Thank you

13 - Pulsar

uploading my solution

6 - Meteoroid

I am not getting the desired countries in the lower middle and Upper middle income group. I think it has to do with how the ranks are awarded. 

In any case, great learning and here is my solution.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

AdityaSardeshpande, I suspect the discrepancy might be due to handling of 1997; maybe try including countries that report 0 in 1997 and excluding countries that are null in 1997.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 - Asteroid

Endless, endless problems with this one. Could get the right output format but kept getting the wrong countries showing up. Got there after amending formulae and filters but so many mistakes along the way!


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