Hello Alteryx Twin Cities UG Members!
We really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our Q4 Twin Cities User Group meeting on Dec 5. Attached below is a link to the meeting recording and we've attached our presentation deck as well!
https://community-alteryx.zoom.us/rec/share/iyANJIsTCZyQf5daxkBGJVUTAUDjDs5THwytrM_xJi1AspTgtallAOG3K7RWnFB6.xC5Zkc_4LZg73TZg?startTime=1733435191000 Passcode: ZS6s8Km!
Thank you all for a great 2024! We hope to continue to do quarterly meetings in 2025!
If you have interest in presenting, hosting or sponsoring an event, please reach out to me.
Best regards,
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On the day of the event, join here: https://community-alteryx.zoom.us/j/99069635926?pwd=SoISh1ILURoujNl2VTlBFNHUGRrJWh.1
Hello Twin Cities Alteryx User Group,
We are excited to announce our Q4 User Group Meeting will be a Hybrid Event at Number 12 Cider in North Loop or virtually on Zoom. We are excited to have Josh Steckler from Capitalize Consulting speak.
Day: Thursday, Dec 5th, 2024 Time: 3:30-5:00pm CST Location: In-Person (Number 12 Cider - 614 N 5th St, Minneapolis, MN 55401)
3:30 - 3:45PM: Announcements / Meet a Member (if you're hiring or on the job hunt, this is your forum!) / Latest Updates
3:45 - 4:15PM: Alteryx with Python and API tools by Josh Steckler
4:15 - 5:00PM: Social/Networking Hour
Please note, that this is not a sponsored event, and that free drinks are not being provided by the Twin Cities Alteryx User Group.
We are still searching for an additional presenter!! If you're interested in presenting, please reach out to me!
Best regards,
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Hello Alteryx Twin Cities UG Members!
We really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our Q3 Twin Cities User Group meeting on Sep 25!Attached below is a link to the meeting recording and we've attached our presentation deck as well!
We want to send a huge Thank You to our wonderful hosts at West Monroe! We could not have done this without your help.
We want to also thank our friends over at Polaris, @JoshuaB and our Panelists for participating in our User Group Meeting. It was incredible to hear all of your stories and thoughts.
Here is the meeting to the recording. The passcode is s1ZWc.7?
Follow Up
The Twin Cities User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests you, feel free to comment below or email usergroups@alteryx.com
Let us know the topics you'd be interested in and what you are looking forward.
Twin Cities Alteryx User Group leaders
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Hello Alteryx Twin Cities UG Members!
We really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our Q2 Twin Cities User Group meeting on June 13! Attached below is a link to the meeting recording and we've attached our presentation deck as well!
We would like to extend a huge thanks to our speakers, @Div from Capitalize Consulting Group, and Matt Agnello, Director of Data Analytics at DataPrepU.
To recap what we went over,
Div presented on how to utilize Alteryx with Power BI for reporting
Matt taught us how to integrate Chat GPT with with Alteryx using Prompts and APIs
If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can watch a recording here.
Follow Up
The Twin Cities User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests you, feel free to comment below or email usergroups@alteryx.com
Let us know the topics you'd be interested in and what you are looking forward.
Twin Cities Alteryx User Group leaders
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Join Zoom Meeting https://wmp.zoom.us/j/97665567793?pwd=4tJ8r8rdz2dEUJYnEJtEDaqa0eobbq.1 Password: 782606 One tap mobile +16469313860,,97665567793# US +13017158592,,97665567793# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 646 931 3860 US +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 305 224 1968 US +1 309 205 3325 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 719 359 4580 US +1 253 205 0468 US +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 360 209 5623 US +1 386 347 5053 US +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) +1 507 473 4847 US +1 564 217 2000 US +1 669 444 9171 US +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 689 278 1000 US 888 788 0099 US Toll-free 833 548 0276 US Toll-free 833 548 0282 US Toll-free 877 853 5247 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 976 6556 7793
Hello Twin Cities Alteryx User Group,
We are excited to announce our Q3 User Group Meeting will be a Hybrid event (Both In-Person and Virtual.) Please join your fellow Alteryx enthusiasts for the upcoming meeting at West Monroe featuring a presentations from West Monroe and Polaris Inc. We will also be hearing about the latest Product Updates by Joshua Burkhow, Chief Evangelist at Alteryx.
Because of capacity issues, we will only be able to 50 In-Person attendees, so please make sure to register at the top right.
Day: Wednesday, Sept 25th, 2024 Time: 3:00-5:00pm CST Location: Zoom and In Person (729 N Washington Ave Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401)
3:00 - 3:15PM: Announcements
3:15 - 3:45PM: West Monroe Use Cases
3:45 - 4:00PM: Product Updates by JoshuaB
4:00 - 4:30PM: Polaris and their Alteryx Journey
4:30 - 5:00PM: Ask the Experts Q&A Panel
5:00 - 6:00PM: Happy Hour hosted by West Monroe
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