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Twin Cities, MN

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TCAUG Recap | October 2019

11 - Bolide

Thanks to everyone for joining our October Twin Cities Alteryx User Group meeting at Nerdery! Here is a quick overview of what we talked about:



Aidan Bramel (@AidanBramel) gave a great welcome to everyone and covered a few community updates.

There were a handful of new Alteryx fans attending our user group this month so it was especially helpful to cover this information.


First Presentation

Justin Richie (@jrich) gave a great demo of how to achieve rolling table calculations in Alteryx. He then gave us a quick sample of his amazing data science skills by showing how he used this new data to feed into a model.


Second Presentation

I (@BradWerner) then performed a live demo of the top tips and tricks from around the global Alteryx community. Each year, helpful people from around the Alteryx community submit their best tips and tricks. These are then wrapped up into a single PDF. The 2019 version can be found HERE.


This is a great resource for people of all skill levels! 


The calm before the Alteryx tips storm! Thanks to Nick Haylund (@Nick612Haylund) for the pic!


Thanks again to Nerdery for hosting and presenting!


Are you interested in presenting at, or hosting, TCAUG? Email to find out how you can get involved.


Our next event is currently in the works so be on the lookout for that!


We hope to see you all soon!

Brad and the rest of the TCTUG Leaders

9 - Comet

Thank you, Brad for the write up!
