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Twin Cities, MN

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TCAUG Recap | July 2019

9 - Comet

On July 24, the Twin Cities Alteryx User Group gang rounded up in a cozy conference room provided by  D A T A   D R I V E  to discuss all things Alteryx (and a little Tableau) before heading over to a nearby saloon to wet our whistles! We had a honkin' tonkin' good time! ( 😉 Nashville, TN really rubbed off on me!)


What did we discuss at this Twin Cities Alteryx roundup? Well, glad you asked!


First, we heard from Luke Komiskey, founder of  D A T A   D R I V E, on how he helped a client locate business opportunities with Alteryx Geospatial tools. Thanks to Luke's efforts this client went from plotting pins on a physical map and doing guess work to clicking play on an Alteryx workflow and interacting with a Tableau visual! Some of the tools in his workflow included...


*Street Geocoder
*Spatial Object
*Reverse Geocoder Tool (requires separate install and uses lat & long to find closest addresses)
*Find Nearest
*Find Closest



Next, we heard from Aidan Bramel (@AidanBramel), one of our newest Alteryx User Group Leaders, about her experience at Nashville Inspire. Her highlight reel included favorite sessions, keynote events, and 2019.2 Alteryx updates, such as...



*Interactive search, filter, & sort in the data preview (results) bar

*Consolidated data source connection

*Updated maps

*Not 2019.2, but noteworthy input to output tool and vice versa conversations coming in the future


*Balanced Workloads

Assisted Modeling

*creates models for you!



Woofta! We learned a lot! And last (but not least) we had special guest appearance from the one, the only, Mark Frisch ( @MarqueeCrew )! His gems of wisdom included a plug on how to use the Street Geocoder without purchasing TomTom data and a community plug on the Interactive Geospatial Training.


mark boots.jpg


Big thanks to our speakers for delivering such wonderful content, D A T A   D R I V E for hosting, and our Twin Cities community!

-Your Twin Cities Alteryx UG Leaders 


8 - Asteroid

Thank you for the recap Tessa!!


We talked a bit about the extra training presentations at the first few days at Inspire, and you should be able to get all of the training content through the links below:


Workflows and data: click here

Presentations: click here


Let me know if you have any issues with these links and I'll try to find another way to get them to ya. 
