Twin Cities, MN

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TCAUG MeetUp | March 2020

11 - Bolide

Twin Cities Alteryx Users, please help spread the word!


Our meetup on Tuesday, March 24th in the West End will be focused on helping new Alteryx users (but experienced users, we have something on the agenda for you too).


Tuesday, March 24th from 2:30 to 4:30 PM

West End Office Park

1660 MN-100

St Louis Park, MN 55416


We plan to:

- Introduce Alteryx and the ways it can help analysts and companies.

- Do a live build of Alteryx workflows.

- Highlight and complete a handful of Alteryx Weekly Challenges. Beginners can take on a challenge that covers some of the most commonly used tools while more experienced users can complete one of a few advanced challenges (Spatial, Predictive, Parsing, etc). We will then come together and share our results as a way to show new users what is possible with the tool.

- Have a discussion of the best resources for learning Alteryx.


Feel free to come whether you have Alteryx on your laptop or not!


Happy hour and networking to follow nearby.


We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon!


RSVP on Meetup here:
