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Twin Cities, MN

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TCAUG MeetUp | December 2018

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

TCAUG @ BauHaus

December 12th, 2018 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm


Hello Twin Cities Alteryx fanatics!

Bring in a toy donation*, remember your troublesome Alteryx workflow, wear an ugly Christmas sweater, and/or just bring your friendly faces to Bauhaus Brew Labs on December 12th, at 3pm, for final MeetUp of the year!

What will we be happening there?

- Recapping the content from 2018 (the good, the bad, & the awesome.)

- Reflecting on what we all hope to see in the 2019 MeetUps.

- Group-tackling troublesome workflows (AKA doctor's hours...BYOW!)

- And of course, socializing / merriment during all the above.

*The toy donation is to support "Sweet Toys for Sick Kids" which BauHaus hosts. Bring in a toy, receive a a beer in return. The cooler the loot, the bigger the boot!

Hope to catch you there!

Interested in presenting? Email to find out how you can get involved!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

So much fun at the final Twin Cities  Alteryx User Group last Wednesday at Bauhaus Brewery!


As a group, we collected a bunch of toys for sick kids, recapped all the 2018 content and meetings, did Alteryx trivia (prizes being some sweet swag from Alteryx!), and brainstormed ways to improve the user group even more in 2019. The leaders will be meeting in January to plan out 2019 dates (yes, for the year!), and we look forward to sharing more details on that soon.


The PowerPoint is linked below, and highlights our meetings this year. Thanks for a wonderful year!



recap.jpgGreat year
