TCAUG @ BauHaus
December 12th, 2018 from 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Hello Twin Cities Alteryx fanatics!
Bring in a toy donation*, remember your troublesome Alteryx workflow, wear an ugly Christmas sweater, and/or just bring your friendly faces to Bauhaus Brew Labs on December 12th, at 3pm, for final MeetUp of the year!
What will we be happening there?
- Recapping the content from 2018 (the good, the bad, & the awesome.)
- Reflecting on what we all hope to see in the 2019 MeetUps.
- Group-tackling troublesome workflows (AKA doctor's hours...BYOW!)
- And of course, socializing / merriment during all the above.
*The toy donation is to support "Sweet Toys for Sick Kids" which BauHaus hosts. Bring in a toy, receive a a beer in return. The cooler the loot, the bigger the boot!
Hope to catch you there!
Interested in presenting? Email to find out how you can get involved!