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Alteryx Analytics Day - Recap!

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Fun day at the Alteryx Analytics Day in Minneapolis yesterday! Some of my highlights:


Got to meet some Alteryx dev celebs like @MacRo and @SteveW AND some power(local)users which I'll see again at the user group meetups! cc @tessaenns and @Mitchell_G


@AshleyK gave us all great insight into the vision of the product (past, present + future) !


(I think) the 2nd most popular part of the day for people (after that preso) was the handout of the Alteryx Periodic Tables...printed off 100 of them....we ran out! Thanks for providing that on the community page @TaraM 


Great customer success stories (Kara Mills from DQ and @Mitchell_G from Cargill tied for my favorites) were shared.


I got to reference (ok...fully borrow and re-purpose) notes from past presos via @RachelW // @BenG // @KatieH  to present briefly about some data governance strategies in alteryx.


Big shout out to @DanL for leading the charge! Looking forward to the next one already. 






What a great day!!!  

So many great stories and collaboration...  thanks to all who attended (110+), and a huge thanks to all our presenters - you guys and gals are awesome!

Also a big thanks to Nick and the Slalom crew!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Sounds like a fantastic day! It's great to see photos of everyone gathered and inspiring each other to do awesome things with Alteryx! 

Rachel Wynn
Product Manager - Designer
9 - Comet

Such an awesome event! Great speakers, great food, great conversation. I learned a couple new tools while I was there and got extra inspired to keep studying and developing my predictive models. Thank you to all the contributors who made this day happen! You rock!!
