Tampa, FL

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Q4 2018 Meeting Review

8 - Asteroid

Hello Alteryx Addicts!


Thank you for everyone joining us at the Q4 2018 meeting! It was yet again another great turnout with great information shared. Ethan Ekkens from Alteryx presented the 2018.3 updates with caching at it's best and Carolyn Westlake & Michael Ranon from Seer Analytics shared some amazing Tips & Tricks to help save time in building intuitive workflows! Attached are the presentation files from the meeting. Thank you to all speakers who presented!


Please make sure to register as a member of the Tampa Alteryx User Group to stay up to date on newly added content and user group meeting information. Be on the lookout for the Q1 2019 meeting. Agenda and location are TBD. I hope to see you all there!





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Great recap Renato, thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see what's on the agenda for Q1 2019!! :)
