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Alteryx SparkED is excited to announce that we will be hosting an Education Summit on Tuesday, May 14th as part of Alteryx Inspire 2024 event. SparkED is privileged to work with over 1200 universities around the world, and this summit is a special opportunity to reflect on the state of data analytics education today. Faculty who are teaching data analytics with SparkED and those who are considering participating will come together and share insights, talk about successes, discuss any obstacles, and learn from each other. The summit will also feature insightful sessions from Alteryx co-founder and chief advocacy officer Libby Duane Adams and best-selling author Jeff Selingo.


The Education Summit will explore:

Artificial Intelligence in the workforce and the key role education plays in bridging the divide 

Data Analytics teaching best practices 

Identifying industry trends and discussing how to integrate them into the curriculum 


There are a limited number of complimentary passes for educators who wish to attend. If you’d like to join the Education Summit, please request a complimentary pass here https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2TkvUj0wj0id66bXfx6v2Kd5MXDvkTVBjbju3SjwwS9UNFEz...