Cast your vote for the official 2025 Inspire Pin! Designs were submitted by fellow Community members and reflect the creativity and passion of Alteryx users across the globe. Vote now!

Orlando, FL

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Animals of Alteryx: Let's find our Mascot!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Every user group needs it's own mascot. Message me directly with your address if you are in Central Florida or ask during our next user group and I will give you a Fuzzy Match bandanna to use for picture! Get ready to cast your votes!


Lady and her Fuzzy Match BandannaLady and her Fuzzy Match Bandanna


Lady Fuzzy Match Bandanna 2Lady Fuzzy Match Bandanna 2 


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Lady is ridiculous. Take all my stars! 


Can't resist sharing but here is Arlo. :)

Arlo the DoxiepinArlo the Doxiepin

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Oh my goodness! @LaurenU he is so cute. Lady was so hard to pose. He looks like a pro already!

7 - Meteor

ANDREW,  get me one  my Wookie  (cat) will win.. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Our cat Poppy is a huge fan of Alteryx and computing in general.    She enjoys helping out with Alteryx workflows by lying on the top of the screen and touching things with her paw to assist (it's a touch screen), chasing alteryx tools around the screen, and also randomly jumping on the keyboard.    There may be some foul plan in play here, I smell a rat....




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Omg @AngieM and @TatianaS!! Look at Poppy!


@SeanAdams does Poppy have a bandanna and would she wear one???

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

:-) Hey @LaurenU


I think if I had to try to get a bandanna on Poppy, I'd probably end up injured - she's a very independent cat who likes to be in charge (even though she's still relatively small) so any imposition of our will on her at all is met with resistance and claws :-)

Only chance would be if we can catch her sleeping and then drape it over her.


But Poppy is doing a good job of highlighting alteryx in use by a cat, in front of @TaraM 's periodic table :-)

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@SeanAdams Poppy looks and sounds like she's enamored by the Thrill of Solving!! So great. I think my pixel needs a fresh updated look - he needs a fuzzy match bandana:


Tara McCoy
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@SeanAdams, she is so small and adorable!! I can see her sleep with a bandanna tucked in like a blanket. :) 


@TaraM, I think he does too ;)