Thanks to everyone who made our last meeting of 2017 a huge success!
First order of business is the hyperlink to Wednesday's meeting: Q4 2017 Meeting Recording
1.) We are extremely pleased to announce that North Jersey User Group will be working with two worthy candidates for our Alteryx For Good efforts. We will be engaging with the contacts at these two non-profits to develop a plan of attack! For more information on these two great causes please see their websites below:
The Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs
2.) In an effort to best serve the needs to its members we will be rolling out a survey solicit feedback. This will cover everything from topics, location, what can be improved etc. Once we find a good survey to use we will be rolling it out!
3.) As one of the next meeting topics we are planing to discuss how Alteryx and Tableau work together. Stay tuned for more info.