Good Day Alteryx NJ UG Members!
We really appreciate and thank everyone who attended our 2019 Q3 NJ User Group meeting on 07/24/19. We had a great turnout this time!
Additional thanks to our talented speakers Scott Greenfield from Mondelez International and Jim Schattin, SVP Customer Success, Alteryx.
Meeting Recap:
- We started with introduction and few announcements.
- Richard Balter from Express Scripts / Cigna provided an update about Alteryx INSPIRE 2019.
- Scott Greenfield from Mondelez International shared his thoughts around path to citizen data scientist based on Alteryx INSPIRE breakout session. He covered various aspects of Analytics Maturity with Citizen Data Scientist Framework.
- Followed by that Jim Schattin, SVP Customer Success, Alteryx gave an overview of Release 2019.2 and shared his insights around various questions from participants.
Here’s the link to meeting recording:
We also uploaded the slide deck for your review.
Follow Up
The NJ User Group is always looking for speakers who would like to share their use cases. If presenting interests you, please reply back to this thread.
Let us know the topics you'd be interested in and what you are looking forward to most from this user group.
NJ Alteryx User Group leaders
Scott Greenfield from Mondelez International talking about Analytics Maturity with Citizen Data Scientist Framework