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Alteryx User Group - 29 June - Review

5 - Atom

Hi User Group Attendees,


Enthusiasts and expert users from Fairfax, Fonterra, Voke Technology, and Webranz gathered in the Webranz office for pizza, beer, and Alteryx. 


Beatrix Argoseputro from Fonterra presented a user case ingesting product innovation data from Mintel. The data comes from photographs of barcodes and requires significant alteration before it can be presented to end users. The great benefits that Beatrix has found using Alteryx were emphasised as a proof of concept tool working with business users.


Picking up on the themes from Alteryx - Inspire 2016 Francis McGregor-Macdonald from Webranz began a discussion around the benefits of Alteryx in changing environments. The importance of data lineage and of users having an awareness of the original sources of data and the applied transformations was raised by Marty Behrens from Webranz.


Lucus Gordon from Voke Technology raised a point about the contribution that Alteryx makes in shortening the time to data insight for decision makers and the competitive advantage this can lead to for businesses. The view is that reducing the barriers for timely analytical insights across an organisation is of strategic importance, but that there is also a need to manage a potential proliferation of siloed data workflows to ensure that core business processes are operationalised appropriately.


We are looking for speakers for the next user group, and are thinking of running a "Bring your own problem" session. Early enthusiasm will be rewarded with priority.


Thanks to all of the attendees for making the event what is was.

Francis (fmcmac)