New Jersey, NJ

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Q1 New Jersey UG Meeting Recap

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

We wanted to thank everyone who attended our Q1 NJ User Group meeting on March 7thIt was an incredible session with a fantastic crowd! 

Special thanks to our speaker, 
Jose Arevalo, Analytics Manager at Data Prep U. Attached to this post is his presentation if you want to review it, and the meeting recording will be posted soon. 

I also want to thank those who took our survey and entered a chance to win some Alteryx Swag! As I mentioned, we were going to randomly pick one winner, which is:

Screen Shot 2024-03-11 at 11.12.33 AM.png


Thank you and congratulations, kiedam26! I will connect with you via private message to send your swag!

Flávia Brancato