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Mumbai, IN

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Recording India User Group Meeting Q3 2023

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi All,


As they better late than never 😂. Sorry for the delay 😅


I'm delighted to share with you the video recording of the India User Group Meeting Q3 2023.



02:00 – 02:15  Introduction

02:15 – 03.00  Guest Speaker session 

03.00 – 03.30  Networking & QA

Guest Speaker: Arthur Ladwein (Alteryx ACE)

Speaker Topic: Dynamic Automation - Work Smarter. Not Harder!




If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your User Group Leaders: @atcodedog05@ImMoinak94 and @dhavaldoshi

Cheers and have a nice day!

20 - Arcturus

@atcodedog05 thanks for sharing the recording!!