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#7 - 2022 Q3 | Montreal Alteryx Meeting Recap | 2022-09-29

10 - Fireball

Hello MTL Community!


Sorry for the delay in posting the recap! Here it is below:


  • Scott, our AUG Leader presented the current state of data analytics maturity and where companies stand in their digital transformation. He also presented what it takes to go from Alteryx Designer on your local desktop and scale your AYX practice across your organization.
  • Emery (@edittmer) from PwC Canada presented an overview and the in's and out's of his Reversing Journal Entries Analytical App which is deployed on Alteryx Server to disseminate across to the organization.

We are always looking for new speakers! If you'd like to share how you've been using Alteryx, or would like to request a specific topic, please get in touch with the MTL team! Our next meeting will be in February 2023, virtually!


Missed a meeting? Get on our distribution list!


Until then!

Your MTL team (Scott and Will)